Monthly Archives: October 2011

Personal Vocab Learning Strategies

In addition to all the Online Vocabulary Learning Resources I posted, here are just some of the methods I use to try to learn vocabulary as efficiently as possible. Maybe they???ll also help you guys. Any other suggestions? Please post! Get a vocabu… Continue reading

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This website actually goes with the Online Vocabulary Learning Resources, but there is so much to say about it that I figured that it deserves an extra post. First of all, it claims to be the world???s fastest, suggesting the word you look for after… Continue reading

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Online Vocabulary Learning Resources

Web pages I found which should make vocabulary learning a bit easier On one can learn new vocab. It is packed in different lessons, for example ???Basics???, ???Business??? or ???Travelling???. For each word, you get an explanation, the pronun… Continue reading

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10 Reasons to Study English

You might ask yourself, why would one study English? Why not medicine, where one could save lives? Why not business management or some technical degree, where the job prospects are supposed to be much better? Why, if it has to be languages, not Ch… Continue reading

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All About Me

That???s how I described myself eight years ago when I started to learn English. Obviously, a lot has changed since then, but when I opened my year 1 notebook a few days ago, I was surprised at how some facts actually stayed the same over the years…. Continue reading

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Welcome to “Miri Discovering English”!

This is a blog about me learning English as a German speaker for my English course at university. I will use it to share all kinds of links, video clips, articles and other language learning devices (and advice) which I come across. Besides, I mig… Continue reading

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