Monthly Archives: April 2012

Day 5: Book you wish you could live in

I have no proof, but my guess is that at least fifty percent of all readers would answer this question with a book involving magic. Or at least something futuristic or supernatural that doesn???t exist in our world. I think that lots of people rea… Continue reading

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Day 4: Book that makes you cry

My Sister???s Keeper by Jodi Picoult ???My Sister???s Keeper??? is one of the few books where I saw the movie before reading the book. In fact, I watched the movie one evening and liked it so much that I went to the book store the next morning and bought … Continue reading

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Day 3: Book that makes you laugh out loud

You think that reading is a relaxing, non-sportive activity? And that it???s impossible improve your fitness while sitting at home in a comfty chair with a book in your hands? Well, this might be true for most books, but definitely not for this one…. Continue reading

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Day 2: Least Favourite Book

You wouldn???t think so, but finding my least favourite book was quite a challenge, too. If I ask you right now on the spot what your least favourite one is, could you answer immediately? First, I had to ask myself what makes a book a bad book for m… Continue reading

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Day 1: Favourite Book

This is a hard one to start with. It would be so much easier to start with ???book you currently read??? (My sister, my love) or ???book you plan to read next??? (White teeth) but no, it has to be favourite book right on the first day. Favourite book, whe… Continue reading

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30 Day Book Challenge

Inspired by Lisa???s blog and her picture challenge (thank you for the idea!), I decided to try how these blog challenges work out for me, though not with photos but with books. I imagine it can be a fun thing to do plus it gives you something to bl… Continue reading

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Food Pub Quiz

Key:Picture Round: 1. Deep-fried Mars bar, 2. Tattie scones, 3. Shortbread, 4. Haggis, 5. Black bunGeneral Knowledge Round: 1. 35oz, 2. UK, 3. More than 90%, 4. Purple, 5. Jamie OliverBlockbuster Round: 1. Meryl Streep, 2. Snickers, 3. Tatties, 4…. Continue reading

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Pub Quiz in The Office

Believe it or not, but we have our very own pub quiz in Graz! It is held in the Office Pub (near Tummelplatz) on Tuesday nights, starting at 7.30pm and lasting about 3 hours. I???ve never been there, but it???s supposed to be great fun. Questions are … Continue reading

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It’s Quiz Night!

Ever heard of pub quizzes? It’s a combination of eating and drinking, spending time with friends and challenging your brain all at the same time! Pub quizzes have a long tradition in the English-speaking world. They originated in the UK in the 197… Continue reading

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Google Doodles

Whenever I go on google, I love to be surprised by the many different google sign designs. The basic design itself is very pretty to look at, being so colourful and such a pretty font and all. It???s simple, but memorable at the same time. But I for… Continue reading

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