Monthly Archives: June 2012

Day 10: Book that changed your life

Once I started to read the first Harry Potter book, my view of the world shifted by a light year. The moment Hagrid entered the little hut on the island, I started to see the world with different eyes. Having believed in a boring, bog standard wor… Continue reading

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Day 9: Book that makes you sick

*spoilers*spoilers*spoilers*spoilers*spoilers*spoilers*spoilers*spoilers*spoilers*spoilers* I wouldn???t have thought that a book can make you feel like you???re going to throw up any second, but there are books which do. Perfume by Patrick S??skind wa… Continue reading

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Day 8: Book that scares you

With this book, it???s kind of hard to find a balance between not telling you too much and thereby spoiling the book in case you decide to read it and telling enough to make you understand it and want to read it, too, because, it is really recommend… Continue reading

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The one that sounds correct is correct

I found this in the ???Merriam- Webster’s dictionary of English usage??? (page 967) and immediately had to post it. I wouldn???t have imagined that I would ever find such a sentence in a dictionary???.Don???t you just love the sound of the highlighted part?… Continue reading

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