Day 9: Book that makes you sick


I wouldn’t have thought that a book can make you feel like you’re going to throw up any second, but there are books which do. Perfume by Patrick Süskind was one of them, but since it is originally German, I instead chose


Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins (part 3 of the Hunger Games series)

which also is quite sickening. Seriously. Especially on the last fifty pages, when everything is extremely and exclusively negative, you feel like you need a bin to puke.
The book itself is set in an alternative universe, where a war is being led between the lower social classes and the ruling social class, which tyrannized the others over decades, amongst others with the so-called “hunger games” – an event where 24 children are put in an arena to kill each other and the whole world is forced to watch this via TV. In the end, the war is won by the poor majority – but for what price: death, devastation and desperation all over the country. The heroine of the book, a young girl of sixteen loses everything – and when I say everything I mean everything. After everything the war did to her, she is depressed and just sits around as if she were dead, not washing, not participating in anything around her, just not living her life. All other characters you grew to love die in the course of the book. It doesn’t make it better that the books takes a relatively positive turn on the last two pages – it will make you sick anyway. And lose your faith in humanity.


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1 Response to Day 9: Book that makes you sick

  1. Anonymous says:

    I saw the movie based on this book. It’s disgusting as well but I’m sure the book’s worse. However it must be a really gripping book because in my opinion the story is well-chosen and pretty exciting. Apart from that it totally differs from the random stories in which love, affairs and bla-bla is in the foreground..I don’t look and behave like someone who’s brave but when it comes to disgusting or thrilling stories I’m the one who finishes a book in a day 😀

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