Author Archives: mpurk

Day 10: Book that changed your life

Once I started to read the first Harry Potter book, my view of the world shifted by a light year. The moment Hagrid entered the little hut on the island, I started to see the world with different eyes. Having believed in a boring, bog standard wor… Continue reading

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Day 9: Book that makes you sick

*spoilers*spoilers*spoilers*spoilers*spoilers*spoilers*spoilers*spoilers*spoilers*spoilers* I wouldn???t have thought that a book can make you feel like you???re going to throw up any second, but there are books which do. Perfume by Patrick S??skind wa… Continue reading

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Day 8: Book that scares you

With this book, it???s kind of hard to find a balance between not telling you too much and thereby spoiling the book in case you decide to read it and telling enough to make you understand it and want to read it, too, because, it is really recommend… Continue reading

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The one that sounds correct is correct

I found this in the ???Merriam- Webster’s dictionary of English usage??? (page 967) and immediately had to post it. I wouldn???t have imagined that I would ever find such a sentence in a dictionary???.Don???t you just love the sound of the highlighted part?… Continue reading

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Day 7: Book which isn???t published yet but you???re dying to read it

City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare …no book cover available yet… This is the conclusion of a 6-part series called the Mortal Instruments. By reading the first five books, I got really attached to the characters and now absolutely want to… Continue reading

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Day 6: Favourite Series

This was a really hard nut to crack, but finally, ???Day 6: Favourite Series??? has arrived. (Yeah, remember? The book challenges? Where the last post was about one month ago? It’s been a long break, but now I’m back again. For a few days at least, I … Continue reading

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25 Words You Wish They Existed in English

I found this today (in fact, ORF presenter Armin Wolf posted the link on facebook) and I immediately had to share it with you because these words are simply genius. All credits go to Alex Wain, the article???s author. Enjoy 🙂 Approximately 375 mill… Continue reading

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The Big Read – How Many Books Have You Read?

It???s been quite a long time since my last book challenge book, but there was so much going on I just didn???t get to sit down and blog. And today, I still didn???t have time to choose a book for Day 6: Book series. But I will soon, I promise! And if y… Continue reading

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Day 5: Book you wish you could live in

I have no proof, but my guess is that at least fifty percent of all readers would answer this question with a book involving magic. Or at least something futuristic or supernatural that doesn???t exist in our world. I think that lots of people rea… Continue reading

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Day 4: Book that makes you cry

My Sister???s Keeper by Jodi Picoult ???My Sister???s Keeper??? is one of the few books where I saw the movie before reading the book. In fact, I watched the movie one evening and liked it so much that I went to the book store the next morning and bought … Continue reading

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